The notification that we find for updating the applications in our smartphones can be quite annoying sometimes as many of us don’t wish to update the applications. The reasons can be many like low phone storage, limited data, fear of losing favourite features. Reasons may be many but it is for sure that many of us don’t wish to update our Android apps and even if do with compulsion also, we may wish to revert back to the previous version. In such cases, you can just simply make a choice of stopping all your apps from updating permanently, this can be a very bold decision but will put you in peace. Below is the process to do that
Stop Android Apps From Updating
- You would be needing a software for viewing and extracting compressed files and folders. WinRAR can be a great option
- And you will also be needing Android Studio installed in your computer
- And finally, Installation from unknown sources should be enabled on your Android device
- Browse to the folder where you can find ‘keytool.exe’ file
- Now open the command prompt window using administrator settings, give it user control access if it prompts to
- Now you need to change the directory to C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin, for that, just copy and paste the below command
cd C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin
- Then copy and paste the below command
keytool -genkey -v -keystore C:\first-key.keystore – alias an_alias_has_no_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
- It will then ask you to enter a password, give it a password and you need to remember it for future reference and when it asks to confirm just press ‘y’ and hit enter
- In the next step, you will need to download the APK version of the Android app, and you need to move this file to the folder that you opened in the first step
- Now open this file with the file extractor and delete the Meta Info folder
- Then execute the following command in the command prompt window
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore C:\first-key.keystore App name.apk an_alias_has_no_name
- With the previous step, the APK file should have been re signed. Just copy that file and install it on your Android device
You can check the version of the application by opening it in Google Playstore and you won’t get update option anymore.
The post How To Stop Specific Android Apps Permanently From Updating appeared first on Computer Era.
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