Windows notepad we all know about this application but don’t think about it much. It doesn’t shine for any particular purpose and users don’t usually opt to use it on their regular basis for any work. But not many people know that this application can be used for executing small tricks that can help you in showing off your skills among your friends, family, and others. So, catch out some of the interest windows notepad tricks.
You can recreate the effects of The Matrix on your PC, you can do that in simple steps. All you need to do is just create a document with the following text copied in it
“@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto tricks”
Save this file with the matrix.bat and save it as a batch file and then after saving it, just double tap on it and find the matrix happening which gives you a feel of a hacker.
Computer Talks
Thanks to the virtual assistants that had made the computer talks a normal and regular thing. Notepad helps you to relive the computer talk moments on your computer. All you need to do is just open a new notepad document and paste this code into it
“Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox(“Enter text”,”Speak”)
Set Speak=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”)
Speak.Speak Message”
Save this file with the name ‘computertalks.vbs’. Then after saving it, just double tap on the file and enter some text, your PC starts to speak.
Generate A New Pin
This is another one of the really interesting yet lesser known windows notepad tricks. Creating unique passwords for every login you go through online will be a difficult thing as we know and understand. This is a trick using notepad that can help you to generate a random four or five digit password. You need to create a new notepad file with the following content or text in it.
“@echo off
goto Start
title Password Generator
echo I will make you a new password.
echo Please write the password down somewhere in case you forget it.
echo —————————————-¬———————–
echo 1) 1 Random Password
echo 2) 5 Random Passwords
echo 3) 10 Random Passwords
echo Input your choice
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto A if NOT goto Start2
if %input%==2 goto B if NOT goto Start2
if %input%==3 goto C if NOT goto Start2
echo Your password is %random%
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2
echo Your 5 passwords are %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%.
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2
echo Your 10 Passwords are %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2”
Save the file as ‘generator.bat’. Then double-click on the saved file and you will see the menu.
We hope you enjoy trying these awesome windows notepad tricks.
The post Some Of The Really Awesome Windows Notepad Tricks That You Must Try appeared first on Computer Era.
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